Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Satellite TV vs DirecTV - Comparison


Satellite TV and DirecTV may look like one and the same but the two actually aren’t. Although both use a satellite and a dish in order to transmit signals and pretty much the same in most aspect, Satellite TV and DirecTV are two different things. So, how could these two be different?

The Good Old Days with Satellite Dishes
In most aspect, DirecTV is also a satellite TV. When people think about satellite TV, especially people born on or before the 80’s, people can imagine large satellite dishes placed on backyards and landscapes or at the top of bars and buildings. These humongous satellite dishes often
experienced a lot of problems. They take a lot of space and break down often. Added to that is the hassle in waiting for the dish to align itself to the signal of the channel viewers want to watch.
These giant umbrellas also known as satellite dishes are also very prone to damage by natural elements. Bad weather and strong winds also affect the signal of these dishes making favorite channels unavailable for viewing. On top of it all, these huge satellite dishes are way too expensive and costs a lot of money and time to maintain and upgrade. Because of its massiveness and cost, not too many were sold and was generally not accepted by the mass market.

The New Generation DirecTV
When DirecTV came in around the 90’s, it changed everything. DirecTV took a huge leap of faith having the thought that people would embrace the concept if the company could provide the service without all the huge costs and humongous hardware set-ups. DirecTV launched the company’s very own satellite and began collecting and organizing channels for the network. In just a matter of a few years, the company fast became the number one choice for the mass market of television consumers.

DirecTV and Satellite TV Difference
One noticeable difference between the old satellite TV and the new Direct TV is the sizes of the satellite dishes being used. DirecTV offers a much smaller dish in comparison with the good old Satellite TV. These small dishes are much easier to install and can be placed almost anywhere outside the house. These smaller dishes, unlike the huge satellite TV dishes, can also be installed outside apartment windows and balconies.
More than the difference in size between DirecTV and Satellite TV is the issue on convenience and economy. More and more people have now grown fond of the services that DirecTV can offer than that of a Satellite TV.