Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album

You've just created a Facebook photo album and it looks great, but you forgot to add that hysterical photo of cousin Cindy drinking from a coconut. Don't worry -- adding photos to an existing online photo album is even easier than creating the original album. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to add photos to Facebook album.
Things you will need:
  • Facebook account
  • Photos
  • Existing Facebook album       
 Share Photos on Facebook
1.  Since many people's friends are on Facebook, it has become a one of the most used photo share websites. Sharing photos is quick and the online photo albums are easy for people to see.
First thing's first, find the photos you want to add to your Facebook album. Put them into a new folder, on your desktop or somewhere you can easily find them.

2. Open your Internet browser and log into your Facebook account.

3.Visit the Facebook "Profile" by clicking on the word "Profile" on the top right of the page

4. Click on the "Photos" on Facebook Profile page from the tabs which appears below your profile name.

5. Select the album in which you want to add photos. Click on the album and a page will load where you will see all of the existing photos in the album, which you can edit if would like. To add photos, click on the "Add More Photos" tab on the top left of the page.

6. In order to add photos to a Facebook album, you need to click on the drive that appears when the Java upload box appears with a display of all your folders on the left side of the box. Click on your drive and then the folder that contains the photos you want to upload. Once you click on the folder all the photos of the folder will appear on a screen with a selection box on the top left corner of each photo.

7. Select the photos you want to upload. If you want to select all photos in the folder click on "Select All" button that is available on the top of the photo uploading box.

8. Click on "Upload" button. Once you click on "Upload," a small pop-up box will appear showing the upload in progress. Once the upload is complete another pop-up box will appear with a message conveying successful uploading of images.

9. Click on "OK" and another page will load where you can apply captions and tag your friends. with this step you have successfully uploaded your photo to an existing album.

10. Click on the link below that states "Try The Simple Uploader" if you come across any difficulty in this process. Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you will get several "Choose File" buttons. Click on a button to upload the photo you want to upload. Select the photos from the folder and click on "Open". Select as many photos as you want and click on the Upload button below. Provide captions if you'd like and tag your friends. Now you know how to add photos to Facebook album!